Watermelon Radish Salad with Honey Lime Dressing

One thing the farm stands boast right now is color, and lots of it, from vibrant orange squashes and sweet potatoes, to hardy vibrant pink radishes!

I love color on the plate, and this time of year we can easily serve up that daily rainbow of vegetables. One of my favorite colors is the deep fuchsia of the watermelon radishes that appear this time of year.

There are not many vegetables as vibrant in color as these autumn watermelon radishes.

A member of the brassica family, watermelon radishes are a Chinese Daikon radish that is best in early spring and fall, although you can sometimes find them during the summer months as well. They are sweet and mild in heat, and really high in Vitamin C. They are a rich source of beta carotene and antioxidants, and contain calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese,  selenium and some B vitamins. Plus, a whole cup has only 16 calories and nearly no fat.

Seasonal favorites

Look for local organic first! It is always the best bet. This salad also uses little white turnips that are so crispy and sweet this time of year as well as scallions and bean or pea sprouts, and don’t forget to use the greens as well if they are still fresh.

The honey lime dressing is one of our house favorites, and if you have a patch of mint in your own garden, you are ahead of the game. If you have some of the dressing left over, drizzle it on muskmelon and serve it for breakfast.

Use it all!

If your radishes have nice tops on them and are not wilted or all chewed up, mince of a couple of those as well. Root to stem!


Watermelon Radish with Honey Lime & Mint Dressing

For the salad:

2 large watermelon radishes, cut into sticksIMG_5573

Some of the radish tops, if nice

2 scallions, cut on the bias, white and greens

1 small white turnip, cubed

1 small handful of bean or pea sprouts

Nigella or black sesame seeds to garnish

For the dressing:

Zest and juice of one juicy lime

1 tbsp. honey

1 tsp. fresh mint, finely minced

Dash of hot sauce

Pinch of salt

Mix together the dressing ingredients and whisk well, or shake in a canning jar.

Prep the radishes, scallions, and turnips and place in a bowl. Add the pea shoots, and mix them together.

Drizzle with the dressing and sprinkle with the nigella seeds and perhaps a bit more of the zest just for good measure.

The watermelon radish has a pale green to cream color on the outside with a pinkish root.

   © Copyright 2019 – or current year, The New Vintage Kitchen. Unattributed use of this material is strictly prohibited. Reposting and links may be used, provided that credit is given to The New Vintage Kitchen, with link and direction to this original post.

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21 Comments Add yours

  1. trkingmomoe says:

    It makes a great salad. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think I could drink honey lime dressing. Mmmm. 🍃🍈

  3. You’ve struck my heart with the flavors of love. 😍

    1. Ah!!!! It must be the honey!

  4. Kitty Jade says:

    Sounds really good for salad! Ironically I’m watching GBBO while reading this aha x

    1. One of my favorite shows! It’s amazing how making baked items I have never in my life even heard of!

      1. Kitty Jade says:

        I’m super pumped for the final next week. I have suspicions that Steph is going to win but who knows? I did end up helping yesterday afternoon and it was really fun 🙂

      2. I’m looking forward to it too! This has been a good season.

      3. I think she has the best chance, but you never know!

      4. Kitty Jade says:

        We could be surprised – just like when Henry went out 🙃

      5. I know! He was promising, and really fun to watch.

  5. Those watermelon radishes are reaslly gorgeous, especially with the black sesame seeds. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you! They really are beautiful food!

  6. pat willard says:

    Thanks Dorothy for liking my latest post!

    1. you’re welcome Pat, keep up the good posting!

  7. pat willard says:

    honestly it’s lonely out here! and i forgot to say, I had a chunk of watermelon and too many radish hanging out and with your luscious photo on the left made something good for lunch

  8. Wonderful! Creativity in the kitchen is one of the most important things!

  9. I love such salads, this one’s so fresh!!

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