Jaina’s Apple Tart

The crust:

  • 3 ½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 ½ sticks (12 tbsp.) unsalted butter, or vegan butter, cold, cubed
  • ¼ cup non-hydrogenated vegetable shortening, cold, cubed
  • 2/3 cup or so ice water
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice

The filling:

  • 5 or so golden delicious or other firm apple
  • ¼ cup apple cider
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar
  • Pinch of salt 
  • ¼ tsp. cinnamon
  • Few grates of nutmeg
  • 1 ½ cup apple butter or applesauce

To garnish:

  • 2 tbsp. apricot preserves
  • Bit more cider and maybe apple brandy

Supporter of:  Slow Food       Fair Trade USA       Northeast Organic Farmers Association     EcoWatch    Let’s Save Our Planet No Kid Hungry   Hunger Free Vermont Environmental Working Group World Central Kitchen Sustainable America Seed Savers Exchange Save the Children

70 Comments Add yours

  1. lisinmayenne says:

    Certainly beautiful enough to grace a French patisserie and I’m sure it was very delicious, too! 😊

    1. Thank you! It disappeared quickly!

      1. lisinmayenne says:

        I bet it has!

      2. In our family, we call it ‘no keeping quality!’

  2. jama says:

    Yum!! Beautiful and looks soooooo good. Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Thanks Jana! It’s a fun recipe.

  3. Bernadette says:

    Your granddaughter is a chip off the old block. A beautifully executed apple tart.

    1. Thanks Bernie! She is indeed a chip off the block, and is going to be a much better baker than me!

  4. Anonymous says:

    This looks delicious!!

    1. Thank you so much! I was quite proud of her!

  5. Karen says:

    Beautifully done, Jaina’s tart looks perfect.

    1. Thank you Karen. She did a great job!

  6. It looks beautiful and sounds wonderful! Jaina is quite the cook!

    1. Thank you Jenna! She did a great job.

  7. Lifetime Chicago says:

    Sounds great

    1. Thanks! She did a great job!

  8. Suzassippi says:

    So pretty, and I love that scoop of ice cream on the slice! Jaina is very adventurous from the sound of it!

    1. She had really good instincts!

  9. Irresistible! Apple pie is my all time favorite, and yours looks so inviting. I’ve learned to add a slice of cheddar on the side. 😛

    1. Oh yes! Apple pie and sharp cheddar is one of our all-time favorites!

  10. Kevin says:

    It looks and sounds delightful, and would not be out of place in one of those lovely cake shops I see whenever I go over to France. The suggestion of apple brandy gives it a real Normandy feel.

    1. Thanks Kevin! She really did herself proud. And it is best with the apple brandy,

  11. M - says:

    My mouth is watering.

    1. Thanks! She made everyone’s mouth water at the table!

  12. Nancy says:

    This looks especially good to me today. I have been watching my dessert eating so that I can lose a few pounds before summer.
    But this has little sugar in it and would look so pretty for a tea party. Which I will be hosting this summer!
    Thank you for the recipe!

    1. Thanks Nancy! It’s pretty light, and a tiny piece is just good for the mood!

  13. My, my, my, but that looks delicious and beautiful too.

    1. Thanks Judy! It was a real treat!

  14. That does look good!

    1. Thank you! She appreciates this.

  15. Chef Mimi says:

    It looks beautiful and delicious!

    1. Thanks Mimi! She did a great job.

  16. sherry says:

    this tart looks so pretty! I love the plate the slice is served on too. How marvellous to bake with your granddaughter.

    1. Thank you! It’s always such a treat to bake with the grandkids.

  17. Julia says:

    I thought that was a cherry in the center until I read it was a raspberry. A beautiful presentation!

    1. Thank you Julia! I think that little berry dressed it up nicely.

  18. I like the addition of apple butter or sauce!

    1. Thanks so much! It added just the right note to the dessert.

  19. Gail says:

    Applelicious! 🍃🍎 The dessert that never disappoints. 😍

    1. Aplelicious indeed! So tasty. She did great.

  20. More than the obvious deliciousness of this recipe and the wonderful way you explained the cooking process to us, it is the togetherness in the kitchen with your granddaughter that stands out the most in this gorgeous post. That is what it’s all about …. teaching our kids and grandkids the basics of cooking, then standing back, allowing them to “rise” to the occasion and flourish. Cooking is not just a skill …. it’s an art, a love affair with food. This is an inspiring read, not to mention one that got my mouth watering for a slice of Jaina’s Awesome Apple Tart! Good on you, D! 🍎❤️🍎

    1. Thank you so much my dear friend! That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it, helping to create that confidence in knowing a pinch of this or that is what would be perfect, and imagining how it will taste. I was extremely proud of her confidence, she knew exactly how she wanted to spice it.

  21. You are most welcome! There nothing that compares to cooking with the kids.

  22. NativeNM says:

    Looks delicious. Time shared with your granddaughter is precious!

    1. Thanks Jan! There’s nothing better than time with the kids in the kitchen!

  23. This does indeed look pretty! And I’m sure it was delicious. I would make this like a tarte tatin, which has less steps as no blind baking is needed because the bottom is on the top. I have never heard of using something acid in the crust to make it more tender, so that is interesting. I like the crust to be flaky or almost brittle. The trick I use for that is to first mix the butter with 3/4 of the flour and then mix in the remaining flour briefly to get pea-sized pieces of dough that are coated with flour. This will create layers like puff pastry. Full description for example in this recipe: https://stefangourmet.com/2016/04/23/soul-food-part-4-sweet-potato-pie/

    1. I’ll have to try that technique Stefan, it sounds interesting. I suspect coating some of the flour with the butter is the key here. Always looking for ways to make the pastry even more tender, so thanks for the tip.
      We love a tarte tatin! We made one at Thanksgiving this year instead of the traditional apple pie, and it was a hit with all its gorgeous caramel! I used my trusty cast-iron frying pan!

  24. writinstuff says:

    Such a pretty looking treat!

    1. Thank you! It was lovely to behold, then to devour!

  25. Ally Bean says:

    This is beautiful. I like the raspberry center and the idea for the glaze sounds delicious. Very yum.

    1. Thanks Ally! This started as the pretty, and delivered in flavor.

  26. Anonymous says:

    This is so very pretty! You know you will always catch my attention with anything “pie” or “tart”! And what a gift to be able to do this with your granddaughter. We have lots of apples from our CSA, so I will have to whip up an apple tart soon. Thank you for the inspiration!

  27. angelamara says:

    Dorothy, this is so very pretty! You know you will always catch my attention with anything “pie” or “tart”! And what a gift to be able to do this with your granddaughter. We have lots of apples from our CSA, so I will have to whip up an apple tart soon. Thank you for the inspiration! Sorry for the duplicate comment. For some reason I was marked as “anonymous”!

    1. Oh that Anonymous!
      Thank you Angela. We had lots of apples from our CSA, so in they went!

  28. Simply mouthwatering . . . and yes to the ice cream!

  29. The tart is beautiful and I’m sure delicious. What wonderful memories you and your granddaughter will have from baking together. I fondly remember baking with my grandmother. I’ve never put vinegar or lemon juice in my crust. I’ll have to try this, Dorothy.

    1. Thank you Mary! These are the precious memories indeed. Kitchen and food memories are so strong in children, they become part of who we are.
      Do try the vinegar or lemon juice!

  30. That filling sounds so good Dorothy. I bet the apple cider adds a lot of flavor.

    1. Thanks Diane! The cider does add flavor and some tartness, and really contributes nicely to the finished sauce.

  31. Anonymous says:

    I have never used golden apples for my pastry bakes. Hmmm!🤔

    1. The Golden Delicious are my go-to for any tart. A wonderful flavor, especially if you sprinkle with a bit of Calvados!

  32. Carolyn Page says:

    I’ll give the lemon juice tip a try next time I’m making a pastry, Dorothy. As for the ‘work’! Your granddaughter’s cutting skills are way up there; the pie result looks fab. All in all – it looks like you’ve another lover of cooking on your hands (down the generations). A wonderful way to connect. 💖

    1. Thank you Carolyn! We always have fun in the kitchen, and she has good instincts, which is a plus.

  33. Forestwood says:

    There is nothing better than apple pie!

    1. I know! It definitely has a place in our food memory!

  34. nancyc says:

    What a pretty tart! And I love apple tarts—yum! 🙂

    1. I was pretty proud of this young miss! Thank you.

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