Chilled Fresh Corn Soup

The sweet corn has hit the farm stands, and summer is showing off some of its best!

We wait with great anticipation the beginning of corn season. The first week or two, the corn is not often at its sweetest, but this year, my first ears were sweet and tender.

Some for tonight, some for later.

We stop at the farm stand and get a dozen when it is beautiful and bountiful. And cheap. We eat our fill, then I’ll cut the kernels off the rest, use what’s needed for this soup (including the cobs) and freeze the rest for use over the winter. Using the cobs in this recipe adds an immense amount of flavor, so don’t skip this step. Let them work as long as possible! If your corn is really early, or really late, in the season and not as sweet as you would like, add a teaspoon of honey.

Our ritual is to make this after a supper of corn, and let it sit overnight. Tomorrow’s supper is just a blender’s task away. This is simple, few ingredients, and high on flavor!

Fresh Chilled Corn Soup

  • Corn from six ears
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 pint coconut milk, or dairy

Shuck the corn. Over a large bowl, cut off the kernels, setting aside the cobs. You should have between 2 and 3 cups depending on the size of your ears. When you have all the kernels off, run all sides of each cob against a hand grater to extract as much of the milk and pulp as possible. Set the cobs aside again.

In a large, deep skillet, sauté the onion in the olive oil and butter. Do not let this brown, but cook for 8 to 10 minutes until nice and soft. Add the corn kernels and the pulp and corn milk, salt and pepper to taste.

Place the cobs in the pot, and cover all with three cups of water or so. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce the heat, and cook for 20 minutes. Add the milk or non-dairy product and mix everything up, then remove from the heat.

When making any corn soup or chowder, toss the cobs in the pot while the whole thing simmers and you’ll get an additional hit of great flavor.

This will need to sit overnight in the refrigerator, or at least six hours to completely chill and let the flavors enhance.

When ready, fish out the cobs, scraping off as much of the soup as possible. Now, finally, you can place them in the compost bucket!  Working in batches, puree in the blender as smooth as possible.

If you want to make this really smooth and pretty, put everything through a fine mesh strainer, pressing against the sides with a spatula. I don’t bother with this step because I like the texture better, and don’t want to waste the fiber! Taste and correct the seasoning.

You can eat this as is, or top with a drizzle of chili oil, crème fraiche, some minced chives, or any other herb you fancy.

It is quite inviting with some peppery, edible nasturtium flowers to garnish!

© Copyright 2021– or current year, The New Vintage Kitchen. Unattributed use of this material is strictly prohibited. Reposting and links may be used, provided that credit is given to The New Vintage Kitchen, with  active link and direction to this original post.

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© Copyright 2021– or current year, The New Vintage KitchenUnattributed use of this material is strictly prohibited. Reposting and links may be used, provided that credit is given to The New Vintage Kitchen, with  active link and direction to this original post. 

The New Vintage Kitchen does not accept ads or payment for mention of products or businesses.

Supporter of:  Slow Food       Fair Trade USA       Northeast Organic Farmers Association     EcoWatch     No Kid Hungry   Hunger Free Vermont   Kiss the Ground

56 Comments Add yours

  1. nancyc says:

    Chilled soups are great for the summer! I’ve never made a corn soup, but it sounds wonderful, especially with the coconut milk!

    1. The coconut milk really makes this special! It doesn’t scream coconut, it just adds the right amount of richness.

  2. Gail says:

    I am blown away by this recipe, Dorothy. I never thought of making corn soup chilled. I’m guessing it must taste as rich and smooth as vichyssoise. 🍃🌽

    1. It is divine! Like the best corn on the cob, but a lot more refreshing!

  3. Suzassippi says:

    I have not heard of chilled corn soup. I think I would be more inclined to like it hot, but then, I do not know since I have not had it this way. As always, it is a beautiful presentation also.

    1. You could absolutely enjoy it hot or cold! Some people love vichyssoise, and others like hot potato leek soup!

  4. I never had a corn soup 🥣 but this combination with coconut milk ☺️ It must be delicious 😋 and perfect for summer 😉

    1. Thank you Ribana! The coconut milk really elevates it.

  5. sherry says:

    looks pretty and sounds very tasty!

    1. Thank you Sherry! It really is an unexpected chilled soup! I made this for a catered luncheon for gardeners and it was a big hit! I had to create the actual written recipe because everyone wanted to make it!

  6. CarolCooks2 says:

    A good tip using the corn husks for maximum flavour, Dorothy…I always use coconut milk as I get it fresh here but cold soup not something I normally eat but this sounds so delicious I think I will especially with some chilli oil…

    1. It’s a treat, especially when the fresh corn just starts to come in. We wait all year for that flavor! I hop you give it a try!

  7. picpholio says:

    This is a kind of soup that we do not know in Belgium.

    1. Well, give it a try if you come across some sweet corn! It is a refreshing way to enjoy seasonal corn!

  8. Veerle alias docV says:

    Looks fabulous

    1. Thank you! We really love it!

  9. Carolyn Page says:

    Dorothy, I’m quite embarrassed to admit – I’ve never eaten corn soup. We both love corn and eat it regularly. However, I’ve never ‘before’ dreamed of creating corn soup..
    Well, that is until now…

    1. Well I hope you try this wonderful experience Carolyn! It’s really tasty.💕

  10. I love your method and your ingredients! ♥️

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. Delighted!💞

  11. Chef Mimi says:

    I would never have thought to use anything but dairy in a soup like this. Very interesting! i bet it’s yummy!!!

    1. With all the dairy compromised people in my family, I’ve learned to experiment and it usually works out great!

  12. BERNADETTE says:

    I am getting out my pot right now. “The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye” here in New Jersey.

    1. Perfect! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Ours is just starting, but I think it’s going to be a good year with all this rain.

  13. I adore fresh summer corn, and love corn soup, but never have had it cold…great tip on using the cobs, thanks Dorothy!

    1. It’s a wonderful combination! Happy Summer!

      1. Thank you Dorothy!

  14. Love such soups. Fresh corn is such a treat!
    I’ve made my corn chowder this week, so am even more eager to try another corn soup soon! 🙂

    1. Thank you Ronit! The flavor of corn in a soup is so satisfying, and we love this chilled version as much as our New England corn chowder!

      1. Chilled soups are so great in the summer! 🙂

      2. They are! I almost always have some gazpacho in the refrigerator for lunch or snacks.

  15. Ally Bean says:

    This looks and sounds delicious. I’ve never thought to make a corn soup that is pureed, but why not? Fascinating tip about the cobs.

    1. Thanks Ally! Let the corn games begin!

  16. Lenady says:

    I swear there’s nothing like fresh corn in the summer. I’ve tried it in so many ways, but I’ll admit I’ve never made corn soup before. It looks fabulous.

    1. Thank you! It is a perfect supper on a hot night.

  17. Klausbernd says:

    Sounds very yummy. We try it out.
    All the best
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

      1. Klausbernd says:

        We are sure we’ll do 🙂

  18. This sounds delicious AND the picture is summer perfect.

    1. Thank you Judy! I love edible flowers, and nasturtium flowers and leaves are among my favorites for their peppery flavor.

  19. Sowmya says:

    Looks flavourful Dorothy. Adding honey to corn is all new to me. Great tips. Nice presentation 👍

    1. Thank you so much! Sometimes, the first corn is not as sweet as we hope for, so just a dash of honey is nice.

      1. Sowmya says:

        Oh great. Thanks for the tip Dorothy

  20. This looks divine!!

    1. Thank you! It is really welcoming as the season begins!

  21. Some great tips in here for getting the maximum flavor out of corn on the cob. Thanks for sharing! I’ve made a fancy version of this with crab a long time ago and should make that again.

    1. Thank you Stefan! Oh, I adore corn and crab together, so I’ll have to keep this in mind when I make this next!

      1. A wonderful recipe after my own heart! Love that you combined both the shells and the corn cobs to extract the most flavor possible! It is well thought to use those parts most people assign to the trash!

  22. Julia says:

    This sounds lovely! There is something special about fresh corn. I’ll have to try this.

    1. Thank you! It is definitely one of those dishes that says Summer!

  23. Nancy says:

    I will be making this soon! Sweet corn is coming in quickly!
    Mmmmm! Mmmmm!
    Thank you my new friend!

    1. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!💕❤️

  24. When we lived in New England, many an August’s evening meal was fresh corn we picked up from the local farm stand and sliced tomatoes from our own garden. I never thought about a cold soup but this certain does sound good.

    1. A perfect summer supper, feasting on what is best.❤️

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